Happy Friday, everyone! Gearing up for speaking at an in-person conference in a couple weeks (MMSMOA), my week has been extraordinarily busy. This time of year at Microsoft is busy anyway as we gear up for completing the fiscal year, so this added work has really felt as if things are heaped-on more than normal.But, hey...it makes the days and weeks seem to go much quicker.Speaking of which, as this newsletter edition hits your inboxes today, I'm celebrating my 3rd Microsoft birthday. Three years ago today, I joined Microsoft and began my NEO (new employee training) in our Las Colinas, TX office. My life has absolutely changed for the better since that day and I'm constantly amazed, in awe, and wonderfully challenged....I've mentioned this before, but I wanted to make sure its fresh of mind for everyone. Every Wednesday evening, myself and some of my colleagues produce a podcast called Microsoft Security Insights. The podcast streams live (video) on Twitch.tv and then the audio portion is released on the following Monday wherever you get your stream for podcasts.Approaching our 100th episode, it's with great excitement that we will start delivering this as a show on Microsoft Reactor this next Wednesday evening, April 20th at 5pm EST, joined by our inaugural guest, Matt Soseman, Senior Program Manager in Identity & Network Access Division.You can join us live, or watch the show in replay after. Visit the following link to set yourself a reminder to join or watch: https://cda.ms/48h...That's it for me for this week.Talk soon and enjoy the newsletter.-Rod
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Microsoft Defender Weekly Wrap - Issue #21
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Happy Friday, everyone! Gearing up for speaking at an in-person conference in a couple weeks (MMSMOA), my week has been extraordinarily busy. This time of year at Microsoft is busy anyway as we gear up for completing the fiscal year, so this added work has really felt as if things are heaped-on more than normal.But, hey...it makes the days and weeks seem to go much quicker.Speaking of which, as this newsletter edition hits your inboxes today, I'm celebrating my 3rd Microsoft birthday. Three years ago today, I joined Microsoft and began my NEO (new employee training) in our Las Colinas, TX office. My life has absolutely changed for the better since that day and I'm constantly amazed, in awe, and wonderfully challenged....I've mentioned this before, but I wanted to make sure its fresh of mind for everyone. Every Wednesday evening, myself and some of my colleagues produce a podcast called Microsoft Security Insights. The podcast streams live (video) on Twitch.tv and then the audio portion is released on the following Monday wherever you get your stream for podcasts.Approaching our 100th episode, it's with great excitement that we will start delivering this as a show on Microsoft Reactor this next Wednesday evening, April 20th at 5pm EST, joined by our inaugural guest, Matt Soseman, Senior Program Manager in Identity & Network Access Division.You can join us live, or watch the show in replay after. Visit the following link to set yourself a reminder to join or watch: https://cda.ms/48h...That's it for me for this week.Talk soon and enjoy the newsletter.-Rod